Effective Ways to Prevent Prostate Cancer
As the name suggests, prostate cancer originates in the prostate gland, which is located close to the reproductive and urinary system in men. It can cause painful or frequent urination, pain in the pelvic region, blood in urine or semen, etc. Since there aren’t any concrete strategies for preventing prostate cancer, one can follow certain tips to reduce the risk. Following a healthy diet and exercising regularly are among the top prevention tips for prostate cancer. Read on to know more.
Lose That Extra Bulk
A body-mass index of over 30 puts you at a greater risk of prostate cancer. So, one of the most important prevention tips for prostate cancer is to maintain a healthy weight. If you are obese, overweight, or borderline overweight, you must work on losing the extra weight. Exercising or playing a sport, every day, can help in keeping your weight under check. Pay attention to your diet and reduce the intake of processed and high-fat foods.
Pay Attention to What You Eat
A healthy diet is known to keep prostate cancer at bay. So, choose fresh foods such as seasonal fruits and vegetables to balance your body’s nutritional needs effectively. Dietary prevention tips for prostate cancer include
- Consume More Red Foods
Red foods such as watermelons and tomatoes owe their color to lycopene. Several studies show that there is a lower risk of prostate cancer when such foods are consumed. While more research is ongoing and information regarding this is limited, the antioxidants that these foods contain are beneficial in many ways. - Say Yes to Soybean
Isoflavone is a nutrient that is also linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer. This nutrient is found in quite a few foods such as soybeans, lentils, chickpeas, peanuts, and alfalfa sprouts. Experts suggest that including these in your diet is one of the best prevention tips for prostate cancer. - Take More Fruits and Veggies
Fruits and vegetables are a powerhouse of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for your wellbeing. Green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and broccoli contain certain compounds that break down carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) in your body.
Regular Exercise is Helpful
If you are in a good weight range, then exercising will ensure that you maintain that level. Those who are overweight can lose the excess kilos by following an exercise regimen, but consult a doctor before you begin to do so. Cardio workouts and strength training are especially helpful.
Keep Up With Regular Screenings
Several reasons can put you in a high-risk category for prostate cancer. So, make sure you speak with a physician about the same. If the doctor feels it’s necessary, you may be required to undergo regular screenings. These will help in diagnosing a problem early on.
While these prevention tips for prostate cancer don’t offer a guarantee that you will not get the disease, following them can postpone or lower the risk for sure.